Admin 2020 started out as a humble admin theme for WordPress and has grown into something much more, with powerful a powerful media gallery, awesome dashboard, analytics and so much more and we don’t plan on stopping there. We are constantly updating the plugin and adding new features and taking customer feedback on wherever possible.

In light of the above, we now feel the value of the plugin has increased from our original pricing and we wanted to take a moment to talk about the upcoming price changes and also give you an opportunity to purchase before the change!

On the 26th of July 2020 the new prices will take affect and until then the products will show as being on sale.


Single Site Licence:

Current price (per year) – $15

New price (per year) – $20


Unlimited Sites 1 year licence

Current price (per year) – $50

New price (per year) – $80


Unlimited Sites Lifetime Licence

We aren’t actually changing the price on this, it’s actually not going to be available for much longer. We are now down to our last 20 licences for this so grab the deal now before it runs out!


Admin 2020 has grown considerably over the last few months and we feel the new pricing better represents the quality and feature set of the plugin. Should you have any questions or concerns about the changes feel free to contact us through our website chat!


Admin 2020 team